Going from local to global

Patrick Carroll

At Breakpoint our operating platform of choice is Webflow, you may have noticed we have mentioned it once or twice in previous posts : )  Well, we want to highlight an exciting new feature they have launched called Localisation. This feature allows designers like us to easily create and manage multilingual websites, making it easier than ever for our clients to reach a global audience.

Localisation is essential for businesses and organisations that want to expand their reach and connect with customers and users from different cultures and languages. With Webflow's Localisation feature, the process of creating a multilingual website becomes seamless and hassle-free.

One of the key benefits of Localisation feature is its ease of use. The platform provides an intuitive interface that allows users to quickly translate and manage content for each language. Users are able to edit, add, or remove translations with just a few clicks, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.

Another significant advantage of Localisation feature is its flexibility. Users have full control over which parts of their website are localised. They can choose to translate the entire site or select specific pages, sections, or elements to be available in different languages. This level of customisation empowers users to create a truly tailored and personalised experience for their international visitors.

Webflow also provides users with the ability to import and export translations. This feature is particularly useful for users who work with translators or translation agencies. They can simply export the content that needs to be translated, send it to the translators, and then import the translated content back into Webflow. This streamlines the process and eliminates the need for manual copy-pasting, saving time and effort.

In addition to these time-saving features, Localisation feature also offers a live preview mode. This allows users to see and test their multilingual website in real-time, making it easier to spot and fix any potential issues or inconsistencies. The live preview mode also enables users to ensure that the translated content fits seamlessly within the design and layout of their website.

Webflow understands that search engine optimization (SEO - read our post on SEO - https://www.breakpointwebdesign.co.nz/post/navigating-the-galaxy-of-seo) is crucial for online visibility, regardless of the language. Therefore, they have implemented SEO settings for each language in their Localisation feature. Users can easily optimize their multilingual website for search engines by adding unique meta titles, descriptions, and URLs for each translated page. This ensures that their website ranks well in search engine results, driving organic traffic from different language markets.

Overall, we believe this new feature is a game-changer for our clients looking to expand their online presence globally. It offers an intuitive interface, flexible customisation options, seamless import/export functionality, live preview mode, and SEO settings – all essential components for successful multilingual websites.

With Localisation, businesses can reach and engage with customers and users from different cultures and languages, breaking down language barriers and fostering meaningful connections. Whether you're a small business, or an e-commerce store,  Localisation feature provides the tools you need to create a world-class multilingual website that speaks to your global audience. Don't limit your reach – go global with Breakpoint, Webflow and Localisation.

Thinking of going from local to global reach out to us at hello@breakpointwebdesign.co.nz

Patrick Carroll
November 18, 2023